Reduce costs and waste in your printing processes

Reduce costs and waste in your printing processes

Reduce costs and waste in your printing processes

and receive real-time AI recommendations.
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What set us appart?

What set us appart?

What set us appart?

Intelligently analyze your printing ecosystem. Save on costs, reduce environmental impact, and start your digital transformation.

Intelligently analyze your printing ecosystem. Save on costs, reduce environmental impact, and start your digital transformation.

Print Accounting

Monitoring, control, and notification of printing activity while maintaining confidentiality

Printer Management Solutions

Monitoring, control, and notification of printing activity while maintaining confidentiality

Incident Management Solutions

Ideal for managing and tracking support tickets with printing-related issues.​


30 minutes or less to get instant insights. Quick setup of Printer BI to unleash the power of analytics.

30 minutes or less to get instant insights. Quick setup of Printer BI to unleash the power of analytics.

30 minutes or less to get instant insights. Quick setup of Printer BI to unleash the power of analytics.

Secure, scalable, and reliable

Secure, scalable, and reliable
With InsightAI360, you get encrypted and controlled access, automatic scalability, and a commitment to operational reliability.

With InsightAI360, you get encrypted and controlled access, automatic scalability, and a commitment to operational reliability.

With InsightAI360, you get encrypted and controlled access, automatic scalability, and a commitment to operational reliability.

Eficiencia en la gestión de la información

Eficiencia en la gestión de la información
Crea jerarquías de centros de costos y personaliza permisos de visualización para una gestión eficiente de la información

Crea jerarquías de centros de costos y personaliza permisos de visualización para una gestión eficiente de la información

Crea jerarquías de centros de costos y personaliza permisos de visualización para una gestión eficiente de la información

Our value proposal

Our value proposal

Our value proposal

InsightAI360 not only does it analyze data, but it also has a sustainable focus. Additionally, it presents the information through 'Bee' in a way that tells a story, providing greater context and understanding of your technological ecosystem.

Carbon Footprint Measurement

We are passionate about caring for the planet. We offer detailed panels of your environmental and sustainability practices using key indicators. We provide tools to monitor trends in your carbon footprint and make informed decisions that create a positive impact. Together, we can create a more sustainable future.

We are passionate about caring for the planet. We offer detailed panels of your environmental and sustainability practices using key indicators. We provide tools to monitor trends in your carbon footprint and make informed decisions that create a positive impact. Together, we can create a more sustainable future.

Chat With Bee

Chat With Bee

Chat With Bee

Get instant answers and recommendations with AI for your printing environment questions.
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360° Solutions

360° Solutions

360° Solutions

Our platform not only collects and analyzes data but also presents information in a storytelling manner, providing greater context and understanding of your technological ecosystem.

Global KPI's Analysis

Global KPI's Analysis

Global KPI's Analysis

Get an overview and comprehensive summary of your global printing environment data using key performance indicators. Identify deficiencies with red indicators and highlight positive aspects with green indicators.

Comparative Analysis Dashboards

Comparative Analysis Dashboards

Comparative Analysis Dashboards

Conduct detailed comparative analysis across multiple time periods. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the printing landscape using key strategic indicators to identify past behaviors.

Business Intelligence (BI) Dashboard Analysis:

Business Intelligence (BI) Dashboard Analysis:

Business Intelligence (BI) Dashboard Analysis:

Access Business Intelligence (BI) dashboards to filter, explore, and visualize detailed information from your printing environment. Identify top printers, types of printed documents, print locations, and other relevant data.

Carbon Footprint Measurement

Carbon Footprint Measurement

Carbon Footprint Measurement

We provide comprehensive panels of your environmental and sustainability practices using key indicators. We offer the tools needed to take control of your carbon footprint trends and make informed decisions to create a positive impact.



Document Solutions

Access, share and download presentations created with artificial intelligence, executive reports and more.

Device Solutions

Optimization of devices with performance analysis and real-time monitoring.

Contact Us

What our partners say about us

What our partners say about us


No other service provider had offered us such a comprehensive analysis like the one we experienced with InsightAI360. We are very satisfied with InsightAI360.


We had been looking for a solution like InsightAI360 for a long time. We hadn't found anything with the scope and level of detail they offer. This software has proven to be extremely useful in supporting any decision we need to make.


The analyses provided by InsightAI360 are extremely complex. However, our managers were impressed with InsightAI thanks to the Bee chat functionality. Any information they need about our printing environment is instantly available through Bee. No matter where you are, InsightAI360 is always up to date!


InsightAI360 is incredible. During the demonstration, it processed 2 years of data from our print accounting tool in just a few hours, providing detailed metrics and a comprehensive analysis of printing trends over the last 6 months.


We used to spend a lot of time preparing monthly reports on the printing environment for various departments and cost centers within our organization. Thanks to InsightAI360, hierarchical analysis is now available instantly, anywhere and anytime.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Smart-Di?

SMART DI is a technology startup specializing in data and analytics solutions for office environments, including printers, PCs, and other equipment. It helps businesses organize and identify their information, add intelligence to their documents, and enhance their business processes.

Does Smart-DI provide continuous support?

Count on our advisors for whatever you need, anywhere in the world. We're here to offer continuous support and ensure the success of your projects. Time and Resource Savings Our specialized team helps partners save time and resources across our portfolio projects, improving and guaranteeing corporate objectives. Training We provide consultative training and technical certification for sales and products in our portfolio, available at various levels for all our partners. Trained personnel can deliver better service and assistance to their clients. Workflow Creation After specifying requirements and developing connectors, we create and configure workflows based on careful document analysis and client requirements. We rigorously test to ensure compliance with standards. Consulting Our team offers the best document management solution tailored to the client's environment and requirements. We support defining and implementing solutions that enable digital transformation. Advanced Support We minimize server downtime or process issues for clients and optimize infrastructures to ensure critical processes run smoothly. We offer advanced support for precise adjustments. Development Our engineers develop customized solutions that optimize workflows and connect systems like ERP, CRM, and DMS. We adapt solutions to your specifications and needs, ensuring security and efficiency in document communication and processing.

What do I need to install InsightAI360?

InsightsAI360 is our cloud-based software, so it doesn't require direct installation on any specific equipment. However, you need to have one of the following software solutions in your organization: Print Accounting Software: This software helps you track detailed printing costs and usage across your company. Print Management Software: With this software, you can manage and optimize printer usage, ensuring efficiency and reducing waste. Ticket Management Software: This software assists in managing requests and issues related to printer and other equipment usage. Printer BI easily integrates with these existing systems, allowing us to provide you with accurate data and detailed analytics. This integration helps optimize your processes and enhance efficiency in print management and other workflows.

What is Smart-Di

SMART DI is a technology startup specializing in data and analytics solutions for office environments, including printers, PCs, and other equipment. It helps businesses organize and identify their information, add intelligence to their documents, and enhance their business processes.

Does Smart-DI provide continuous support?

Count on our advisors for whatever you need, anywhere in the world. We're here to offer continuous support and ensure the success of your projects. Time and Resource Savings Our specialized team helps partners save time and resources across our portfolio projects, improving and guaranteeing corporate objectives. Training We provide consultative training and technical certification for sales and products in our portfolio, available at various levels for all our partners. Trained personnel can deliver better service and assistance to their clients. Workflow Creation After specifying requirements and developing connectors, we create and configure workflows based on careful document analysis and client requirements. We rigorously test to ensure compliance with standards. Consulting Our team offers the best document management solution tailored to the client's environment and requirements. We support defining and implementing solutions that enable digital transformation. Advanced Support We minimize server downtime or process issues for clients and optimize infrastructures to ensure critical processes run smoothly. We offer advanced support for precise adjustments. Development Our engineers develop customized solutions that optimize workflows and connect systems like ERP, CRM, and DMS. We adapt solutions to your specifications and needs, ensuring security and efficiency in document communication and processing.

What do I need to install InsightAI3

InsightsAI360 is our cloud-based software, so it doesn't require direct installation on any specific equipment. However, you need to have one of the following software solutions in your organization: Print Accounting Software: This software helps you track detailed printing costs and usage across your company. Print Management Software: With this software, you can manage and optimize printer usage, ensuring efficiency and reducing waste. Ticket Management Software: This software assists in managing requests and issues related to printer and other equipment usage. Printer BI easily integrates with these existing systems, allowing us to provide you with accurate data and detailed analytics. This integration helps optimize your processes and enhance efficiency in print management and other workflows.

Book ademo!

Book ademo!

InsightAI360 is a powerful tool for understanding and optimizing your entire printing and document ecosystem.

InsightAI360 es una poderosa herramienta para comprender y optimizar todo tu ecosistema de impresión y documentos.

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59 Shoreacres Dr. Kitchener, ON N2R 0k7 - Canada




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Office Canada +1 226-240-0462

59 Shoreacres Dr. Kitchener, ON N2R 0k7 - Canada

© 2023 Smart-Di Group Inc.

All Rights Reserved.

Icons by Icons8

Office Canada

+1 226-240-0462

59 Shoreacres Dr. Kitchener, ON N2R 0k7 - Canada






© 2023 Smart-Di Group Inc.

All Rights Reserved.

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